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BioEconomy Partners -   Exceptional site selection & infrastructure, project finance, government tax incentives,  technology due diligence, sustainability and government relations is essential for competitive economics and capital supported technology scale-up.   Deploy your clean technology faster, world wide.

Specialty in renewable chemical and biobased products.  



A Core Consideration

At BioEconomy Partners, sustainability is not a separate offering. We build sustainability analysis into each phase of every project. It’s the only way we do business. We know it reduces our client’s risks and liabilities and brings long term value creation to all stakeholders. 

*Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
and World Economic Forum Report 2009




*Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and World Economic Forum Report 2009

For example, the tool of an expert Life Cycle Analysis in the site selection process can be used not only to uncover environmental impact, but also to identify specific input resource risks and opportunities that affect company revenue.  Resource-based input risk is a growing production constraint.  Typical companies have 40% of revenue tied to  resource based inputs. Life Cycle Analysis  can uncover and identify potential risks as well as unique opportunities to ensure less volatile resource based risk, and assist in finding the most economical location.

Sustainable business practice is a 21st C norm.  It is possible to build more effective, strategic customer relationships and greater brand premium by addressing these concerns pro-actively. In today's world, a company must ensure policies and communications are credible to the public and clear to all stakeholders.  

At BioEconomy Partners we operate with a strategic understanding that these considerations are necessary to bring a project to fruition in today’s business world.  As an integral part of each offering, sustainability may sometimes go unnoticed but rest assured it isn't an overlay or afterthought. We integrate sustainability analysis into every endeavor.

For those who understand the issues and nuances but don’t have time to press into research and details, we provide a targeted deep dive analysis into any specific customer querry. We can quickly prepare a source cited, strategic, credible response that aligns with your company values and priorities. Then, advise on targeted communications that avoid greenwashing, clarify your position to customers, and create greater brand premium value in the marketplace. 

 Whether you are just wading in, or have targeted products and priorities for sustainability efforts,  BioEconomy Partners can provide your company with what you need.

  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Industry data to build brand premium  
  • Web site content
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Analysis of public concerns or misconceptions
  • Operations strategy, energy management
  • ASTM standards
  • Environment, Health & Safety integration
  • Chemical ingredient safety and regulation
  • Product certification and strategy,
  • Feedstock sustainability development;
  • GM feedstock use
  • Genetically modified organism use
  • Product end of life treatment
  • US and International marketing claim limitations;
  • Investor relations, for SRI and Impact Investment fund managers

If you are unfamiliar with data driven sustainability concerns and how they play out in the marketplace and consumer mindset, don’t be taken by surprise. Integrate sustainability into your product and operations prior to attempting demonstration scale and meaningful market entry.